The recipe of Black Sea Dzadzik is very simple as well as its ingredients but the final taste is very fresh and delicious.

The main secret of Black Sea Dzadzik is the quality of ingredients, especially plain yoghurt. The best taste of this dish is achieved if all ingredients are well chilled and dish served cold with the fresh mint.

Course – Side dish or Appetiser

Serves 4

Preparation time – 10 minutes plus mixing – 5 minutes

800 ml cold plain yoghurt

400 ml cold drinking water

3 cucumbers, peeled off and grated

3 cloves of garlic crushed

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 tbsp fresh dill finely chopped

8 fresh mint lives and little of olive oil for garnish

Preparation. Cold cucumbers need to be peeled off and grated. Cold plain yoghurt and cold water needs to be mixed well together. Garlic cloves need to be crushed well and fresh dill  finely chopped.

Cooking. There is no cooking stage of this dish. Put the cold plain yogurt into the bowl and stir with cold water until mixed well. Add finely chopped fresh dill and salt and stir for more. Dish should achieve dance consistency. Spread out into small bowl plates. Garnish with a drop of olive oil and fresh mint and serve immediately.

For Black Sea Dzadzik is better to use home or farm made plain yoghurt if available. Black Sea Dzadzik should be well chilled at serving and not prepared for a long time in advance. Traditionally it served cold immediately after preparation as a side dish for main course

You can enjoy Black Sea Dzadzik with friends and family in #BlackSeaCuisine restaurants or at home as it is very easy to prepare and it is a very healthy dish.

Black Sea Dzadzik should be well chilled at serving. Traditionally it served cold immediately after preparation as a side dish for the main course.

Black Sea Cuisine is simple, tasty and inexpensive.