The recipe of Black Sea Hydari is very simple as well as its ingredients but the final taste is very fresh and delicious.

The main secret of Black Sea Hydari is the quality of ingredients, especially strained yoghurt and traditional feta cheese. The best taste of this dish comes when the dish is served cold with fresh mint.

Course – Side dish or Appetiser

Serves 3-4

Preparation time – 15 minutes plus additional 8 hours for yoghurt draining

250 ml strained yoghurt

50 g feta or cream cheese

3 cloves of garlic

1/2 bunch of fresh dill

50 g of walnuts

20 g butter

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

3-4 mint leaves for sauce and garnish

Preparation. If you have only plain yoghurt instead of strained one then take a colander and line with two layers of cheesecloth. Put the colander in a large bowl. Place the yogurt on the cheesecloth,  cover the colander and let yoghurt drain overnight or for 8 hours.

Crush the feta cheese with a fork. Finely chop the fresh dill. For mint sauce, heat the butter in a pan and add the mint for a minute. Take aside mint sauce and cool a little.

Place the drained yogurt in a bowl. Grind the garlic cloves and salt into a paste. Separately grind walnuts into a paste. Combine both pastes with yogurt and mix well. Add finely chopped fresh dill and feta cheese and mint sauce to the mixture and mix all ingredients well. Place the mixture on a plate and garnish with chopped dill and mint leaves.

Black Sea Hydari should not be prepared for a long time in advance. Traditionally it is served cold.

You can enjoy Black Sea Hydari with friends and family in #BlackSeaCuisine restaurants or at home as it is very easy to prepare and it is a very healthy dish.

Black Sea Cuisine is simple, tasty and inexpensive.